Class Description

You will start by drawing a fish outline on a piece of paper.  Any shape will do and it does not have to be accurate. This will then be transferred to a sheet of paper the size of your mosaic.

From here you will be taken along the process of cutting and shaping your glass pieces, applying on mesh by copying your pattern underneath and setting with a dash of glue. This  holds the glass until applied to adhesive mortar.

Once complete you will be able to apply your fish to any substrate, whether it be on a rock outside your house, a wall or a panel to hang on your wall.

This is a great way to start an outside project as most of the work is done indoors and the outside installation can wait for a good weather day.

Choose colours from a selection of glass and glass tiles. Your flsh can be as faniciful or accurate as you wish.  If you have time, make another!

You will be given enough dry mortar to take home so you can attach your fish to your substrate of choice.

Bring a Packed Lunch (or a deli run is optional)
Please contact us if you require accommodation
Email: or phone 087 9208829

Fish Mosaics

A 1 day workshop with
Cheryl Cobern Browne

€75 plus a €15 Materials Fee

Wednesday, 29th May 2024

10am to 5pm