Abstract by Design with Ivy Newport


Abstract By Design

Have you always wanted to create big, beautiful, bold abstract art for your home?

Me too! That's why I have brought this class to life! Over the last few years, I have begun to create large abstract pieces to hang on our walls. The process is both exciting and delightful - full of surprises, happy accidents and a wonderful sense of freedom. On a large canvas you can fully explore your senses, release your emotions and observe the effects of color and texture as they mingle and merge on the surface!

Let Me Tell You More

 For this class, I will be guiding you through two large abstract paintings! You will learn how to overcome the fear of the blank canvas, balance color, contrast and texture, explore collage, gold leaf, using stencils and other beautiful techniques. With abstract art, it's ALL about composition, so I will be discussing this with both paintings plus we will be analyzing some Abstract Art too!

We will move from random, impulsive and spontaneous creating to a more analytical state of mind as we edit and design the piece, bringing it to a gorgeous finish. I'll be encouraging you to choose colors, patterns and elements that inspire you and relate to your personal style. 

***Psst... I used to be an interior designer, so I will be sharing with you my tips on decorating with art using scale, contrast, color palettes and more!

Two Complete Paintings

Rising - The first painting will explore bold color! We will pick a color palette as our guide and go from there - incorporating pattern, collage, gold leaf and mixed media. 

Gilded Horizon - The second painting will be more neutral and focus on creating balance and interest using texture and contrast. We will explore various acrylic mediums to attain that texture as well as mark making tools! 

Both paintings will be incredible journeys of creativity and learning! Plus you will end up with TWO large pieces of abstract paintings to adorn your home's walls! Bonus!

Who Is This Class For? 

Anyone who wants to create bold and expressive abstract artwork! For artists looking to try their hand at abstraction and are open to a non-linear and open exploration of paint and mixed media. Anyone who wants to learn more about composition and balance, color and texture, pattern and contrast! This is an intermediate level class but is open to adventurous beginners who are craving to work BIG!

Here are some of the things I will cover within the class:

  • Identifying a successful color palette

  • Analyzing Abstract Art

  • Learning to trust yourself and take risks

  • Creating with both wet and dry mediums

  • Adding pattern effectively and with style using stencils

  • Tips on decorating with Art in your home

  • Exploring color and how to balance elements in a piece

  • Adding gold leaf to your work

  • Compositional tips

  • Getting over the "blank canvas" fear

  • Layering color and using mixed media

  • Veiling, reveal and subtractive painting techniquesAnd more...

Supplies and Resources

*essential for class


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